Optical precision micrometers for high resolution

ThruBeam micrometer
ThruBeam micrometer

optoCONTROL micrometers operate according to the shadow-casting principle, i.e. the cross section of a target’s contour is measured with high accuracy. We offer different series and system models which are each unique in terms of measuring principle, design and external/integral controller.

Two different measuring principles

Both sensors consist of a light source and a receiver unit facing each other with the measurement object in between. Frequently, these sensors are also called ThruBeam sensors.

The differences are in the light source that's being used and the optical beam path between the measurement object and the photosensitive element in the receiver.

optoCONTROL 2500 - Operating Principle
optoCONTROL 2500 - Operating Principle

The ODC 2500 sensor simply uses the shadow of the target on the receiver line. Artificial, parallel-guided light from a red laser diode is used for illumination. All edges and particles between the light source and the receiver cast a shadow onto the CMOS line. Therefore, even small dust particles might influence the measurement procedure.

optoCONTROL 2600 - Operating Principle
optoCONTROL 2600 - Operating Principle

The ODC 2600 sensor projects the measurement object through a special lens onto the receiver element. The light source of this sensor is a light emitting diode. Due to the limited focus range around the measurement object, there is less susceptibility to dust particles compared to the ODC 2500.

In both series the signals from the receiver unit are processed by an external or integrated controller. Based on the electrical signal of the light and dark areas the measured values are being formed. The controller can also display (integrated controller via web page, external controller via a graphical display), average, evaluate and output the measured values in various ways to control a complete measuring system if required.
